Have You Lived At This Address for 2 Years or Longer?
Yes No
Have you ever used a credit, debit card or shared your personal information with any of the following companies at any of their locations? – Macy’s, Sears, Home Depot, Verizon, Kmart, Wendy’s, Delta Airlines, Michaels, Best Buy, Landry’s, Saks Fifth Avenue, JP Morgan Chase, Lord & Taylor, Facebook Account, Panera, Ebay, Forever 21, Orbitz, Sonic, Chili’s Restaurants, WholeFoods, Uber, Arby’s, Target Stores, Walmart, Marriott, Quest Diagnostics, Experian or Equifax?
Yes No
Have you ever been employed by the US Government?
Yes No
Have you ever received any government benefits of any kind?
Yes No
Are you a veteran?
Yes No
Term – The term of this Agreement is three (3) months from its execution and all services must be performed during that period. The Agreement may be extended for an additional three (3) month period by an amendment to this Agreement.
Guarantee – Although we cannot guarantee by law a certain outcome, we prepare documents conforming to Federal Law, certain state Privacy Laws, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act. We will prepare documents to assist you to accurately report to the credit bureaus and place a fraud alert on your file to assist in protecting you against future data breaches and attempts to use your identity in a fraudulent manner.
Governing Law – This Agreement and any dispute arising from the performance or breach hereof will be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without reference to the conflicts of laws principles of any jurisdiction.
Entire Agreement – This Agreement, including any attachments to the Agreement, sets forth the entire Agreement regarding the subject matter of the Agreement, and supersedes and terminates all prior agreements and understandings between You and DPS Resource. No subsequent alteration, amendment, change or addition to this Agreement will be binding upon You and Us unless reduced to writing and signed by You and Us.
Non-Profit Credit Counseling Services – You have the right to hire a non-profit credit counseling service.
Customer Responsibilities and Communications – You agree to assist us in answering certain security questions regarding your identity and credit history as may be necessary to obtain your credit reports.
Staffing– DPS Resource may assign clerical staff, or others to perform work on your case. You agree services in connection with our representation of you may be performed by any associate of DPS Resource.
You may revoke your Limited Power of Attorney by filling out and signing the Revocation of Limited Power of Attorney form attached to this Agreement as Attachment 2.
Your Right to Cancel Agreement – You may cancel this contract without penalty or obligation at any time before midnight of the third day after the date on which you signed the contract. See the attached notice of cancellation form for an explanation of this right (Attachment 3).
By signing this Agreement, you agree to its conditions, agree to be truthful, and you understand that no promises have been made by DPS Resource to you outside of this Agreement.
Use your Mouse, Mousepad, Touch Screen to Sign Below and Click on Submit Service Agreement
Step 3 – Fill Out The Limited Power of Attorney Form
Limited Power of Attorney Disclosure:
DPS needs permission from you, to communicate with credit bureaus, creditors, data furnishers and others, in your name and on your behalf, including writing, signing and transmitting letters and electronic documents in your name. This is a Limited Power of Attorney, granting permission to DPS RESOURCE to do this. It authorizes and directs DPS to act as your disclosed and undisclosed agent when performing the Services, you have retained DPS RESOURCE to provide. You may cancel your authorization and this Limited Power of Attorney at any time by sending DPS Resource Revocation of Limited Power of Attorney stating that you retract your authorization. Without this written authorization and Limited Power of Attorney, DPS RESOURCE is unable to represent you, therefore canceling this authorization will close your case. Please print a copy of the Agreement and this Limited Power of Attorney for Your records.
Be it known that by submitting this form I hereby grant a Limited Power of Attorney to DPS RESOURCE and all persons in their employ, as my agent, to have the necessary power and authority to undertake and perform the following in my behalf:
• I hereby give permission to DPS RESOURCE to sign all documents written on my behalf, as my duly appointed proxy, for the purpose of disputing inaccurate, erroneous, fraudulent, derogatory and obsolete credit information held on my credit report by consumer credit reporting agencies.
• I appoint DPS RESOURCE as my agent to act in my behalf, as set forth in the following matters only; signing of correspondences addressed to credit bureaus, creditors and data furnishers, obtaining credit information over the telephone, fax, and/or through written correspondence from credit bureaus, creditors, data furnishers and/or collection agencies.
• I have given Limited Power of Attorney to act on my behalf with government agencies in an effort to prepare and submit the needed documentation and granted by law to have immediate action taken by the credit bureaus regarding derogatory items on my credit report and possible fraud or identity theft.
• I understand that I have the right to revoke or terminate this Limited Power of Attorney at any time with a written Revocation of Limited Power of Attorney to DPS RESOURCE.
• According to the Consumer Credit File Rights, Under State and Federal Law, I have been made aware of the fact that I could attempt to challenge items specified above myself.
This “Limited Power of Attorney” is given to DPS Resource in compliance with Section 611 of the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
Use your Mouse, Mousepad, Touch Screen to Sign Below and Click on Submit Limited Power of Attorney Form